import wixUsers from 'wix-users'; import wixLocation from 'wix-location'; $sw.onReady(function(){ $w('#register').onClick(function (){ let email = $w('#email').value; let password = $w('#password').value; wixUsers.register(email,password) .then(() = > {'/testing'); }) }) })
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  • Writer's pictureMatthew Kaplan

Welcome to Songwriter Blogs! I may be starting way too cheery for my own personality, but let's go with it. This website is going to be structured like a blog, but the goal of this website is not for you to learn about my personality; it's for you to learn about songwriting. If I happen to throw in my personality in some places, you might just have to go with it, though. Almost every other post will be about songwriting specifically, but if anyone wants to read about me, this is that:

I started learning to write songs around 14 when I gained an interest in writing for musical theater. I had always wanted to be a writer and loved musical theater, but for some reason I never thought to try out musical theater songwriting. So... I did that. And now I'm here.

I don't claim to be an incredible songwriter, but I have spent A LOT of time studying songwriting. So even if I can't write the most incredible music, I do believe I know a lot about how to teach people to write incredible music. I've spent forever learning about music theory, rhyme schemes, music tech, etc, and I can't wait for there to be tons of blog posts on here that can help others access that information easily and in one place.

Feel free to comment on any posts with any songwriting related questions and with that being said, I hope you enjoy!

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